Desire, determination, and persistence, just to name a few, are all qualities that have made many people successful. In addition, there is one other thing you will find very common among successful people, they are all avid readers. Books have helped them, in one way or another, become the person they are. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said,”You will be the same person in five yeas as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Books can play a significant role in your path to the success you seek. Although many books have been read over the years, here are 3 classic books that successful people have read.

1. Think and Grow Rich

This book has been called “one of the greatest books in personal development of all time”, and continues to sell millions of copies throughout the world. Many successful people have attributed their success to the reading of this book, and they continue to read it and recommend it to anyone wanting to achieve success in their own life. Napoleon Hill, the author, commissioned by millionaire Andrew Carnegie, took over 25 years to study over 500 successful men in search of the secrets to their achievements. Mr. Hill identifies 13 principles that are necessary to attain riches. The book has changed many lives for the better, and it still does today. Read it for yourself.

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