• A book is a treasure chest.
• Although we can learn in many ways, books are the best and cheapest means of acquiring knowledge.
• Every one that reads has the power to magnify himself, better the ways in which he lives, to make his life healthy, happy and totally fulfilled.
• Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
• Readers are leaders.
• Don’t just read to get by but read to gain in-depth knowledge. Know it better than anyone but let it not puff you up.
• Read to give your mind a chance to luxuriate.
• Books give you a shot in the arm to speak nineteen to the dozen and be up and up.
• Books are for reading not for decoration.
• From the leaves of a book you can turn a new leaf.
• Books make a man.
• Book power helps you overcome the past, change your situations, fight new obstacles and make better decisions.
• The reading of book opens up worlds of information and greater possibilities.
• In reading a work of genius, you discover your own forgotten/neglected genius.
• A book is not only a friend, it make friends for you.
• A book is a living voice one shall listen to.
• Reading supplies mental bread for your imagination to feed on and bone for your imagination to chew.
• The fame that beauty or riches bestow is fleeting and frail; mental excellence is a splendiferous and magnificent long lasting possession.
• It is mainly through books that we commune with great minds. In good books, immortals talk to us, bless us with their priceless thoughts, and pour their souls into ours.
• The ability to read and understand can open any door you chose to go through.
• Reading is not always easy, not always fun or appealing, but is very necessary.
• One of the amazing things about learning is that knowledge not only translates from one area to another but is also an avenue that leads to understanding and insight.
• When you have possessed knowledge from a book with your mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you impact the knowledge to others you are enriched three fold.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6656283