Everybody wants to be a hero. While a world of magic may have universal appeal, throw in an unlikely hero and the pull of the story increases exponentially. The thrill of Hogwarts...
Man has a desire to get frightened. This is evident from the ghost stories told and retold over centuries. This desire to get frightened had given birth to thousands of horror stories...
A good historical essay will always start with a well-crafted topic (and end with a good writing software's assistance), one that's both manageable and has actual relevance. When trying to decide on...
Have you ever read a comic book before? I imagine just about everyone, at some time in their life, has read at least one comic book. But do your interests and enjoyment...
Detective writing portrays the events of a crime, (usually a murder) and its subsequent investigation in a way that conceals the criminal's identity from the reader until the end of the book,...
Divine recipes, luscious photographs - this is your first cookbook and you look forward to those big royalty checks. So what's your marketing plan for this book? What are you doing to...
Romantic love means you are deeply attached with your mate and you want to exchange love feelings with him or her. Romance is a sentiment of heart. Writing a love letter to...
What are your all time favourite top fantasy books? I bet many of you will have thought Lord Of The Rings immediately! With the recent success of Game Of Thrones on television...
Desire, determination, and persistence, just to name a few, are all qualities that have made many people successful. In addition, there is one other thing you will find very common among successful...
Though Science fiction works have been experimented in television serials, movies, games, and in various popular theatrical forms but in the present day scenario science fiction books are fast replacing other mediums....